Is Elections Canada trying to get back at the Conservatives for suing them?

Story here. ht:
Wonder how many Liberal appointees are still inside Elections Canada?
Is Elections Canada corrupt? Is it partisan?
Why would they feel it necessary to have an official go to Conservative Party headquarters, accompanied by two Mounties, to collect some documents? The Party says they're cooperating fully and, so far as I know, it hasn't been suggested otherwise by Elections Canada. So why the intrusion?
I also wonder whether the judge who granted the search warrant might be a Liberal appointee or at least hostile towards the Conservatives?
All legitimate questions. Of course. After all, there are all kinds of questions and defamatory accusations being hurled at the Conservative Party over alleged rulebreaking in election advertising financing (related to things that all parties do, by the way, but over which only the Conservatives have been targeted by Elections Canada).
There's also the fact that the Conservatives have already sued Elections Canada over the whole thing, and the fact that today, if I recall a Conservative statement correctly, EC officials are to be questioned in court...
It smells strange. The timing of the intrusion into Conservative HQ, the accompaniment of the official by two Mounties...
Could Elections Canada, a part of the Leftist-dominated state apparatus, be playing a dangerous game? I don't see them explaining themselves much, other than to keep saying that they "executed a search warrant".
Innocent until proven guilty... but to listen to the Liberals, NDP and Bloc parties in Parliament, one would think that those parties don't believe in this principle after all.
Maybe the Conservatives should get a search warrant and a couple of Mounties and go 'raid' Elections Canada headquarters to find any evidence that would tend to damn the state apparatus node. Hey, why not? Fair is fair. If this is how things are to be done, then do it to both sides. Let's find out just how scrupulous Elections Canada is, how fair and impartial they really are...
UPDATE: Did Elections Canada invite Liberals, media to so-called "raid"?
You know, much has been said by the Opposition and the MSM about the fact that the Chief Electoral Officer was appointed by the Conservatives themselves, by the Prime Minister.
So? I'd like to address that.
So what if he was appointed by the Conservative government? What does this necessarily mean, that he cannot possibly turn Liberal or at least anti-Conservative? I'm not suggesting anything at all about the CEO, certainly not, but, come on; we know that people who might or might not have been part of one particular party can change and turn on their former party, not that I'm suggesting that's what happened; of course not. But just keep that in mind.
Besides, I'd like to know which judge issued the search warrant. Was he appointed by a Liberal Prime Minister? After all, many sitting judges have been appointed via patronage/party loyalty by Liberal Prime Ministers... so I'd just like to remind the Opposition of that.
And that judges can be corrupt, activist, etc., not that I'm suggesting anything about the judge who issued the warrant; of course not!
I'd also like to know how the Liberals and the media knew before the so-called "raid" (search and seizure is more accurate, and the two mounties may have just been there to simply help things go smoothly and so on) that it was going to happen, and exactly when to be there with cameras. This is suspicious, no doubt.
Oh, and it smacks of a legalized Watergate to me. I'd be interested in knowing who, what, when, where, why and how with respect to the search and seizure.
It does appear that the Conservatives are being unfairly treated by Elections Canada for doing what the other parties have done for a long time and for which they were never picked on.
Oh, well, anyhow, it's before the courts. The Conservatives started the legal proceedings themselves, challenging EC's interpretation and application of the rule in question, dubbed "in-and-out" financing in which the national level provides funding to destitute local riding organizations for the purpose of advertising. All parties do this. But only the Conservatives got picked on. Why?
Coincidentally(?), the scheduled-for-today-the-day-after-the-inexplicable-"raid" court examination of EC officials has been postponed. Interesting timing. Optics of it do shine the spotlight onto EC for the timing.
UPDATE: Read the post by Repossessing Halton: The Sentinel Report
And this comment on the EC official and the RCMP