Maybe I hurt his feelings. Guess I'm going to be hearing from the Canadian so-called "Human Rights" Commission (which is a lot like the fascist German Weimar state apparatus which actually led to Hitler's rise to power and tyranny) or at least the guy's lawyer, then...
Granted, it's defamatory. I'm pretty sure that's someone else's cat, actually. So I guess the cat will sue me for calling him "Richard Warman's Cat".
Whazzup, eh? People be suing, suing, suing. Everybody sues everybody these days. It's madness!
Oh, whatever. Screw Richard Warman and his cat.
Here's an image of what I'd like to do if I were to see Richard Warman in person. I can't stand people like him.
Oh, and screw Bill Maher, too. He's a moonbat asshat.
Oh, and I cannot resist one last funny picture... anyone ever wonder what the omnipresent leftist commentor, "Balbulican", looks like? Well, here you go... Behold Balbulican!

Ahhh... that felt good. I needed to do that. Really takes a load off...