Hot babe of the olden days, Brititte Bardot of France, is literally on trial for simply saying things considered hostile towards Islam.
Hey! Does this mean that leftists who say things about Christianity that can be considered hostile can, too, go to court to potentially have their right to freedom of expression taken away?
Does this mean that Muslims who express hostility towards non-Muslims can, too, go to court to potentially have their right to freedom of expression taken away?
Does this mean that homosexuals, bisexuals and transsexuals can, too, go to court to potentially have their right to freedom of expression taken away?
After all, as it stands, if it's illegal and a potentially imprisonable offence to insult or "express hatred" towards Islam/Muslims, then it must necessarily also be a potentially imprisonable offence for Muslims, leftists, GLBTs, etc., to insult or "express hatred" towards, say, JudeoChristians.
Basically, she said, reminiscent of leftwing bigots who say similar things about JudeoChristians...
"I am fed up with being under the thumb of this population which is destroying us, destroying our country and imposing its acts,"(...)
Ok, so she said nasty stuff. But the inconvenient truth of the matter is that it's her human right to say stuff like that, no matter how nasty, as it clearly appears to also be the right of such folks as Canadian radical Imam Mohammed Elmasry, American leftwing bigot Ward Churchill, Barack Obama's racist pastor, bigoted extremist Rosie O'Donnel, religionophobic, homo-supremacist Elton John... to say the nasty stuff they say...
France still has its own Richard Warmans and "human rights" kangaroo courts, apparently, and they're going to protect the process of Islamization of France, no doubt, unless they're stopped and forced to resepect everyone's equal human rights and constitutional rights, not just respecting Muslims' human right to go around preaching hatred of non-Muslims and to incite violence and terrorism and riots...
Does France allow equal right to freedom of expression or not? Are some more "equal" than others? Are Muslims deemed by the French state apparatus to be superior and untouchable no matter what, whereas most everyone else is to be persecuted for exercising their rights in a manner that Muslims don't like?
Either everyone can say what they want.... or no one can say what they want.
If Ms. Bardot goes to jail, then I want to see all of the Islamic preachers of hatred and violence go to jail too! Ditto hateful bigots like Rosie O'Donnel and Elton John.
Note to leftists: If baby torture-murder is a "human right"; if homosexual marriage is a "human right", then how can you say that free speech, no matter how inconvenient, no matter how nasty, no matter how much you deem it "hateful", isn't? You are in no position to lecture on this topic, as you, as a movement, as an ideology, as a community with its own special, radical mores, norms, values, etc... don't believe in equal human rights for all, and you know it.