The idiotic fool, Yousef al-Khattab, mocks a former POW's licence plate.
Story and more offensive photos here
It is a classic example of a Muslim terrorist supporter and sympathizer using the freedoms granted to him by the United States to promote an agenda of violence and terrorism. Meet the abysmal and morally bankrupt Yousef al-Khattab, arguably one of the most despicable wastes of genetic material ever to suck American air. Spewing anti-Semitic propaganda, pro-Muslim rhetoric and arguably seditious speech, this dim-witted display of Islamic intellectualism is shown in the image below expressing his joy at a NY issued POW license plate.
Formerly known as Joseph Cohen, he runs a pro-Muslim terrorist web site known as RevolutionMuslim.com and an interactive web forum appropriately named ModeratesRefuted.com from his Queens, New York residence.