Story here. Read it all. Even if you're a nervous Liberal (sometimes you need a good, solid slap to the face to jolt yourselves out of your delusional reverie).
h/t: NationalNewswatch.com
Poll: Conservatives leading by 10 points;
Liberal leader Stephane Dion's popularity with Canadians drops to mere 11%... yes, eleven percent. Majority of respondents disapprove of his performance.
Poor Stephane... at least he can find solace in the reality that he's going to be mentioned in the history books after all:
Reid said voter dissatisfaction with Dion appears to be reaching levels rarely seen in Canada.
"I can't recall a time when an opposition leader had a disapproval rating as high and an approval rating as low," he said.
While the pollster does caution that Prime Minister Harper's numbers aren't exactly something that'll make him jump up and down ecstatically and demand someone fetch him his laurels, the reality is that the Conservative PM is doing all right, doing his job pretty much as well as possible, given all difficulties and realities and has weathered very well quite a few recent nasty rough stretches without ending up any worse for wear, and the same goes for his Conservative Party. Good, solid, responsible, steady... the Harper Conservatives are the only party worthy of Canadians' support.
So, when Mr. Dion says that he'll choose when an election will be, he really means never, until the statutory date in the fall of 2009, of course. Like Hull he'll make himself go through the humiliation of having his arse being used to mop up the electoral landscape, turning it more blue and less red.
So in the near future, we can expect one of two things to happen with the Liberals: Dion is replaced... or Dion isn't replaced and continues to order his Members to sit on their hands in abstention or scram from Parliament altogether, unwilling to do their job of either supporting or opposing the government, regardless of whatever positions they declare, whatever lines they draw in the sand, etc.
Maybe Mr. Dion should get together with soon-to-be-replaced US President George Bush and start a support group for wildly unpopular leaders of all partisan and ideological stripes... I'm sure the ever-cheerful Dubya can teach Dion to quit being such a sad sack about it.
Someone ought to just pull the plug on both the Liberal leader and the Liberal Party. Let the remnants form something new from the grassroots up and actually offer an institution with a constitution, principles, values and policies that will resonate with Canadians.