Yalden wants readers to believe the Nazis were able to come to power and perpetrate the Holocaust in part because of “unfettered” free speech when in fact the opposite is true. Suppression of civil liberties in Germany, especially free speech, was essential to the Nazi’s successful acquisition and consolidation of power.
It’s a myth that Weimar Germany was a bastion of freedom and civil rights before being taken over by the Nazis. The Weimar Republic was no respecter of civil liberties and the rule of law – at least not consistently. Weimar “liberals” shut down newspapers when it suited them, they spied on political parties, they used plainclothes police or other surrogates to break up political meetings, they outlawed political parties – including the Nazis for a time, and they not only tolerated armed militias but in many instances encouraged their existence and activity while the judiciary turned a blind eye.
There is a lesson to be learned here, but it’s not the lesson that Yalden and his ideological compatriots are teaching. National Socialist Germany is not an example of what happens when hate is tolerated – it’s an example of what happens when hate is empowered. The uncomfortable fact is that the Nazis didn’t invent the apparatus of power or culture of repression in Germany, they merely took control of, and perfected, an apparatus and culture that had already been created and used by “liberals” to combat extremism.
ht: SDA
Clearly, the progressive movement hasn't learned the lessons of history. They're paving the way for someone to take over the reins of the leftist state apparati of the Free World and abuse them for murderous purposes, targeting identifiable groups...
The progressives don't realize that the Liberal Fascism that we see today in the likes of the ACLU, CHRC and other supposedly "anti-hate", "anti-racism", "pro-human-rights" organizations is exactly the sort of thing that made it so easy for Hitler's Nazis to rise to power and commit some of history's most infamous, massive atrocities, having been empowered by the German liberals' oppressive state apparatus regime...
I'd say also that extremist individuals whom I needn't name, as they're already making headlines for their own hateful, insane, myopically overzealous Liberal Fascist activities, are part of the problem and will go down in history as having significantly contributed to whatever horrors we may face in the future...
By the way, I've blogged herein about how today's German state apparatus is again abusing its police-state powers to persecute an identifiable group, namely Christians who don't want their children to be brainwashed in public schools in such things as homosexuality. Indeed, Germany is actually keeping Hitler's own anti-homeschooling law in effect and is using a gestapo force to enforce it. Many Christians are leaving Germany as a result already, rather than lose their right to freedom of religion and other freedoms.
Today we have in Canada... a state apparatus which discriminates against a particular political party, has a judge issue a warrant, grabs a couple gestapo, invades a party headquarters with the "liberal/progressive" "mainstream" media magically present from the start, plus some agents of a rival political party as well...
We in Canada also have a frightening, ominous, self-fancied "human rights champion" figure suing bloggers who merely reported on what he was doing to people... like hell he'll win; it's an intimidation tactic. What, sue me? I never even named names! It simply won't work. Fascism will be defeated!