Let's let him force his country to fend for itself against the bloodthirsty Taliban, then.
Ungrateful old fool. Suicidal, too. Just like the free world "progressives".
Is he really an ally at all? Or has he just been using us? Has he been practicing the infamous Taqiyya?
Hard to tell, with the incredibly opposite messages he's now sending.
What now? Continue to build schools and hospitals that only get destroyed by the Taliban?
No thanks. We need to kill the Taliban, or at least capture them and put them out of commission in order to continue the reconstruction which they're trying to stop via whatever means suits them.
We're not going to be sitting ducks. If the Afghan government no longer wants us to be able to help in a way in which it'll actually work out, then they, and the Afghan People and the entire Islamic World can't complain if we pull out, unable to do a bloody thing to help anymore.
It'll be Hamid Karzai's fault, not ours.
Food for thought.
That said, if the free world suffers another attack because of the Afghan government, we'll be back. And we won't necessarily be so nice next time.