I think the Liberals' newfound glee at the accusations and persecution against the Conservatives in recent days, which are, of course, unproven and dubious at best, is premature.
Sources said the RCMP is hoping to go higher up the Liberal hierarchy than Mr. Corbeil, the former director-general of the Liberal Party's Quebec wing, who is accused of taking a bribe from a businessman and defrauding the party.
How much higher, I wonder? We'll have to see. But one thing's for sure: This is very serious for the Liberal Party of Canada. The RCMP are seriously of the belief that higher-up bigwigs in the Liberal Party need to be charged with criminal wrongdoing, apparently. Very serious.
Another source said the RCMP is hoping to obtain more information on the inner workings of the party in coming months. "If everything goes well, a bunch of people could spill the beans at the same time," the source said.
Sweat, Liberals, sweat!
As the Mounties continue their investigation, they are showing a willingness to strike deals with individuals to get additional information. While fraud can be proven with documentary evidence, the police need witnesses, including people with skeletons in their closets, to prove influence peddling.
Oooh! The cops are closing in on the Librano$$$!
"The people at the advertising agencies were the first to be targeted. To find acts of corruption, it was important for the police to get the corrupters talking, in order to get at the corrupted," a source said.
Hmm... maybe the Liberals will decide to force an early election after all. Better to take their chances now than wait for the shit to hit the fan...
Liberal instinct for self-preservation will be evident no matter what happens. And those lower-down Liberal cronies will self-preserve at the expense of the Party and the higher-ups in the Party.
If the Liberals thought their troubles were over, they thought wrong.