Sunday, August 18, 2013

Reich Propaganda Guy Ed Schultz Serves in Obama's War on Christians

 One screams big lies about an identifiable religious group, in service of his Fuehrer's war against that group.

The other is Josef Goebbels.

Story here.

‘Children of God Will Die’: MSNBC Host Says Only ‘Phony Christians’ Oppose ObamaCare


MSNBC host Ed Schultz unleashed Saturday on Christians who oppose President Obama’s landmark healthcare law, branding them as “phony Christians” and saying the repeal of the law would certainly result in the death of innocent children.

Schultz, who hosts ‘The Ed Show” on weekends, said the new healthcare law “is the most moral thing this country has ever done” and hammered those who disagree.

“This is good for America and I won’t let them lie,” Schultz said. “They’re phony Christians. Phony Christians when they say that they are Christian but then they want to take away from their next door neighbor. They don’t want to be their brother’s keeper.”

“A growing number of right wing Christians are coming out day after day as a Christian,” he continued. “I think I have the right to expose their hypocrisy and call them out for all the things they are saying wrong and how misguided they are.”

I wonder if Ed also thinks that we Christians eat babies and use their blood for making matzo balls.

I'm sure Ed approves of Obamacare's discriminatory imperatives, their Death Panels, their directives to decide who lives and who dies.

After all, Ed approves of Obamacare, which is really more like Nazism and Communism masquerading as a simple "health care law".

Furthermore, I dare Ed to say things about MUSLIMS as nasty as the things he says about Christians, whom he clearly hates and loves to propagate big lies about.



1 comment:

Rocky2 said...

[Thanks, CS. Saw this bit on the net.]


(Each human is part of this "River." Are you an "oxbow lake"?)

Islam, part of the Living River of History, affected even the 2012 US election!
The "headwaters" of this River was Adam, according to Judaism, Christianity, Islam etc.
In the OT (Deut. 28), "tributaries" wanting to join the River are blessed while "distributaries" wanting to flow away from it are cursed. Those wishing to totally separate from the fresh Living River become polluted, dying "oxbow lakes."
In the OT we see Israelites repeatedly flowing away from God, then repenting and returning to Him; we also see heathen "oxbow lakes" creating their own little "gods" and being allowed by God to plunder and kill the erring Israelites.
Then, at the right time, the Living River took on new life with the arrival of the Promised One who offers "living water."
In the 7th century Islam, drawing from both OT and NT, chose to be a distributary away from this River. Many scholars have viewed it as the final Antichrist: note "scourge" (Isa. 28), "Assyrian" (Mic. 5), "Euphrates" (Rev. 9) etc.
God will allow this "scourge" to temporarily persecute and kill apostate Jews (JINOs) and Christians (CINOs). Jews, especially in "entertainment," seem more expert in apostasy than Christians since Jews have been at it 2000 years longer than Christians have (Google "") - but Christians apparently want to catch up to the Jews!
It's apparent that others will join Islam in its end-time inquisition; its great oil wealth can captivate many leaders and already we're seeing apostate American leaders being bribed into turning against true American patriots.
Those who ignore (or try to dilute or destroy) the God-ordained Living River of History will be swept down it to an ocean made by their own never-ending tears of agony and despair.
The good news is that American JINOs & CINOs can overcome the "scourge" discussed above. The secret is found by checking out "II Chronicles 7:14" & "John 3:16" on the web.
There's still time - and freedom - to Google or MSN "Obama Promotes Public Sex," "Obama a Black-Slavery Avenger?," "Dangerous Radicals of the Religious Right," "Pretrib Rapture Politics," "Mikey Weinstein, Jesus-Basher," "Christ's return is NOT imminent," "Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty," "Pretrib Rapture Secrecy," "Pretrib Rapture Pride," and (for dessert) "Pretrib Rapture Stealth."
In light of Matthew 7:2, if we tolerate Christian leaders who lie to us and steal from us, we shouldn't be surprised if God allows us to have political leaders who lie to us and steal from us!

A Kansas Patriot (who won FIRST PLACE over 2200 entrants in a nationwide Americanism essay contest)