Monday, January 15, 2007

The Left Killed Feminism: Levant

Ezra Levant says feminism is dead following the sexist and racist slurs directed at United States Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice by a leftist Democrat Senator, one Barbara Boxer from California, the land of scream-and-jump-up-and-down-naked-with-black-socks-on lefty radicals.

Read it all.

It is noted in Levant's piece that there's a double standard at play here.

I agree wholly.

I would say, much as does Levant, that Boxer got away with her incendiary, intolerant, insensitive attacks against Dr. Rice because she's a leftist and a Democrat, meaning she's protected by the leftist state apparatus, which includes the MSM, from charges of sexism and racism. It is noted, rightly, by Levant, that if Boxer was a Republican, all hell would've broken loose and the whole thing would be water-cooler talk, radio-talk-show excitement, front-page fodder and Boxer would've had to resign. Hell, leftist-minded women and Blacks would be on TV saying how this " just the latest in a longstanding pattern of such slurs and demonstrates what kind of party it is..."

Apparently it's ok to attack a person on the basis of sex, race, and absolutely anything at all... if you're a big-time liberal/leftist imbecile who submissively, brainlessly worships the false deity of double-standard political correctness fascism!

Levant closes by writing:

They prove the obvious: Political correctness only applies to conservatives. Next time leftists talk about standing up for women, or blacks, remember Boxer's insult.

Well, I remember every time a leftist uttered intolerant slurs against people and groups. And it has happened so many times, so frequently, that I've lost count!

For example: Former Quebec separatist premier Lucien Bouchard once said Quebec "needs more white babies", but he got away with it. The MSM pretended it wasn't a racist comment because he was a leftist Quebecer and a separatist. Amazing. But true.

Former Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chretien said to CBC reporter Christina Lawand something to the effect of: "I see you're getting old, madame. Go and have babies now, so you can benefit from my social program..." He got away with it. Because he's a leftist Liberal.

And how about all the hateful/defamatory slurs uttered by countless liberal/leftist asshats against, very frequently, Christians, Jews, Americans, Albertans, Israelis, men... really, I needn't list the specific speakers and their slurs. Anyone who's had their eyes and ears open on a daily basis for what's happening in our society knows exactly what I'm talking about! Leftists will, however, pretend to never have heard of any such thing... which is impossible to believe, unless one realizes that delusion, denial and mental disorder are key traits of liberalism/leftism.

One simply cannot believe a thing liberals/leftists say anymore. They have totally demolished whatever little credibility and integrity they may have once possessed, if any.