Saturday, January 06, 2007

Islamic Jihadists are Cowards. They Will Be Defeated!

I think they're talkin' 'bout ya, Taliban! You da "enemy"! We ain't afraid of ya! You are afraid of us!

Brig.-Gen. Grant said he has "significant evidence that low-level Taliban have simply put down their weapons and run away," rather than take on Canadian and coalition troops in Panjwaii and Zhari districts.

The Somali jihadists also ran away from the Ethiopian-Somali crusaders.

Hezbollah and Hamas are always attacking Israel, starting real wars, then calling for a "ceasefire/truce", which they always break while rearming/regrouping.

See a pattern? Are we beginning to understand the mentality of Islamic jihadists?

They value running away like total cowards! Running away like defeated dogs with tails between legs or like frightened piglets is Islamic!

That is their fatal weakness... but they'll never change. Why? To stop this cowardice would be to go against Allah's own words as written in the Koran!

Therefore, we can defeat Islamofascist jihadists!

How? Ignore their retreat. Retreat is a strategy. A lie. Go after them anyway, because they're going to be back.

Ceasefires and truces are always lies with the Islamic jihadists. They're only excuses to rebuild their arsenals.

That is why we'll beat them. They're fatally predictable. And this is proof of the inferiority of jihad "warriors". Yes... jihadists are inferior enemies, because they cannot change.

And since they cannot change, since we know they'll always run away, we will sooner or later use it to finally stop them!

Never forget: Resistance to Islam is not futile. Resistance will destroy the Islamofascists.

Not only will we not submit...

We also will not stop fighting the Islamic jihadists.

Islam will NOT dominate the world. It will be stopped dead in its tracks as it tries.

Do not submit! RESIST!