Story here. ht: NationalNewswatch.com
While Terri, 47, and her nine-year-old daughter Bindi made an impressive show of girl power at the Daytime Emmy awards in the US, the mother-of-two's musclebound appearance stunned her fans.
Despite always maintaining good physical fitness, Irwin has increased her daily routine in preparation for a research trip in far north Queensland next week, where she will be expected to tag more than 30 wild crocodiles.
"She's picking up where Steve left off and has to be physically fit to keep up with the boys," Stainton said.
Awesome! You go, girl! Kick crock ass!
I think I'm in love... hey, Terri, how about a date? :)
Hmm... y'know, I'd like to see a wrestling match between Terri and Kate McMillan... oh, gotta go and take a cold shower now...