Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mightn't They Offend Someone? Whither The HRCs, ACLU?

So, what the Atheists do there is ok, but if believers dare to display symbols and messages relating to their faith, well, those aware of how the real Free World (Liberal Fascist-dominated) state apparati work, they risk arrest or being summoned before the "Human Rights" Commissions or sued by the ACLU! Unfair!

So they're exercising their rights, too. Ok, fine; no problem with that, really.

But there's a bit of unfairness here. The Atheists are highly unlikely to face unconstitutional persecution at the hands of Liberal Fascist state apparatchiks and organizations for doing so, because those "progressives" generally approve of atheism and disapprove of theism, which tends to be, especially if it's a conservative, traditional faith, most usually authentic Christianity, inconvenient to the agenda of the Left, which, we know, seeks to thumb Christianity down into an immovable, uncomfortably contorted position.

If, say, a Christian group wanted to put ads on buses saying "Jesus loves you and wants to save you from corruption and evilness", you can rest assured that folks like the cute young lady in the picture (who's probably proud to do corrupt stuff 'cause it's fun and feels good and finds the concept of restraint, willpower, altruism, etc., to be unacceptably inconvenient) would likely ironically be offended and demand satisfaction from the Liberal Fascists, claiming that the supposed doctrine of "separation of church and state" (which is a myth and a Big Lie; just try to prove otherwise!) is supposedly being violated and therefore violates their imaginary right to freedom from exposure to religion.

It's unfair that atheists don't have to worry about being open about their atheism while believers (especially JudeoChristians, Scientologists and Falun Gong practitioners) do have to worry about potentially offending someone and getting in trouble for it if they are to be open in public about their beliefs. So, to guarantee that both believers and non-believers will be treated equally by society and by the state apparatus, there must be a massive, incessant, unavoidable public information campaign to advise everyone that one must respect (and diligently avoid potentially offending) believers, too... or else one might get into trouble! And a bunch of violators must be unconstitutionally jackbooted by the likes of the HRCs, the ACLU, the courts, etc., to be made examples of so as to scare, to intimidate the bloody hell out of everyone, driving home the message that they're all expected to submit to being exposed to evidence of religiousity. Just like we've been scared and intimidated into not daring to say or do anything contrarian in the face of public evidence of, say, radical sexual extremism, and to obediently submit thereto (next thing you know, we'll be intimidated into automatically making standardized declarations of endorsement [maybe there'll be a range of mandatory declarations from which to choose, and we must choose one, just like one once, in Germany, felt that one must say "Heil H..." or else be suspected of being one of those folks one was told by Goebbels' mouthpieces to dislike] thereof, else we can expect potential consequences for daring to say nothing at all and making people think we're "haters" of the group represented by the public evidence thereof!). Sheesh, damned if you say the wrong thing; damned also if you dare to say nothing at all!

Yes, of course, I'm being sarcastic here, but sarcasm's one of the communications tools of which I make use as a political-and-social-issues commentator. Too bad some lazy-minded and high-strung, impatient speedreaders, rather dour, tightassed or reflexively, ignorantly slack-jawed, individuals be they all, tend to take the sarcasm too seriously!

"Freethought Association of Canada"??? Oh, fofecksake... why not just call themselves what they are, which is atheists? Why not just call themselves "We Ram our Atheist Views Down Your Throats"? Or why not just call themselves the "Human Rights This/That" or the "This/That for Human Rights"? Just like other aggressive, ususally Leftism-related propaganda groups do? Such groups usually have ironic, sugarcoaty names, and are rarely really about "freethought" or "human rights" at all and tend to be about propaganda, intimidation, indoctrination, ideological imperialism, etc.

Ok, then; moving off...