Friday, January 30, 2009

Fellow State Apparatus Node Lets CHRC Off Hook

Story here.

But what about a criminal investigation?

Isn't it criminal to hack into someone else's wireless router for the purpose of disseminating "hateful" messages in an attempt to entrap people into saying "hateful" things online so as to facilitate more illegal, unconstitutional kangaroo court "trials" to keep the Liberal Fascists of the "Human Rights" Commission employed?

Why doesn't the "news" article mention criminal investigation by police into the CHRC's obvious criminal conduct? Didn't the Ottawa Citizen/Canwest News Service bother to do any investigating themselves, inquiring of police and so on?

The CHRC cannot be permitted to get away with this unconstitutional, criminal abuse of innocent private citizens for criminal, unconstitutional purposes with a view to justifying the continued existence of that now-rogue state apparatus node which has for too long now far, far outstepped its actual mandate of simply dealing with questions of employment and housing regarding alleged "discrimination" in those realms, period.

Oh, and the "Human Rights" Commissions, both federal and provincial, violate the rights of those they falsely convict of "spreading hatred and contempt", denying them a fair trial and ignoring their right to freedom of expression. And it's clear and undeniable that they pursue a Hard-Left agenda that militates against freedom, the rule of law and human rights.

ht: National Newswatch