Saturday, January 31, 2009

CTV Refuses To Air Immorality-Encouraging Ad

Remember these two?
Maybe that was a major milestone in the adultery movement's militant campaign to eradicate fear and loathing of their lifestyle, intimidating "adulterophobes" and so on and so forth...

Story here.

Next thing you know, the adulterers will form some kind of "human rights" propaganda group to defend and promote their sexual orientation as adulterers, claiming that the Charter of Rights and Freedoms forbids discrimination against them on the basis of that orientation, upon which some rogue, corrupt "scientist" will claim to have done a cadaver study which proves that adulterers are born that way, causing knee-jerk-reflexive, unquestioning, massive, top-of-the-front-page, top-of-the-newscast Big Media sensationalist coverage whose effect will be to brainwash the public into thinking that adultery isn't a choice, but something you're born with, and of which you should be proud and practice proudly and openly. Oprah will do a two-hour show in which she embraces adulterers, telling them "you're ok and I want you to be happy" and so on.

One day... No longer will Billy have to push Monica out of the picture in shame!

If the Liberals were in power and they reinstituted the "Court Challenges Program" as disgraced former leader Stephane Dion had promised to do, and double the funding therefor, you could be sure that some ultra-militant, agenda-driven adulterers would take advantage of our tax dollars to hire lawyers to take the whole adultery/"human rights" thing to the Supreme Court, which would, no doubt (it's a lock- a can't-lose... bet the whole lot on it!), rule in their favor, falsely claiming that the Charter protects their sexuality from discrimination.

Hey, shut up! It's art, you stupid, hateful adulterophobic monster!

Then there'll be adultery pride parades in which flamboyant, blissfully-intoxicated-on-sinful-pride, naked adulterers flaunt their sexuality at small children and so on. There'll be movies and sitcoms nicely depicting the adultery lifestyle as normal, recommended and productive and so on and so forth. Adulterist politicians will run and be elected and carry on in power aggressively defending and promoting adultery, getting a bill passed that would make it a "hate crime" criminal offence, potentially punishable by imprisonment, to say anything non-endorsive about adulterers or adultery. The "Human Rights" Commissions will have plenty of extra work, illegally, unconstitutionally jackbooting poor, defenceless, timid white Christian males who say or do anything inconvenient to the militant adultery agenda, taking their rights and money away and ruining their lives just because they, said, pointed out facts or expressed a fair, fact-based opinion as the Charter says they absolutely can. Of course, if you insult the adulterers, all hell breaks loose!

Before you know it, the schools will be bringing in adulterers to teach the adultery lifestyle to children against the values and knowledge of their parents, who don't want them exposed to that stuff. Explicit teaching aids, like demonstrative videos, role-playing and even live demonstrations of the lifestyle, will be implemented in the shameful, immoral imposition of adulterist indoctrination on helpless kids, many of whom will grow up to be just like Bill and Monica, which is the obvious aim of the adulterers, who want there to be as many like them as possible so that they'll then feel better about themselves and their shameful, immoral lifestyle.

There goes the neighborhood. The Hard Left continues to run the show...

Of course, there's, in actual reality, currently a move afoot by polygamists to legally legitimize their lifestyle, a lifestyle that'll make the whole adultery thing moot... yes, the polygamists are playing the "human rights" game now, too... as rightly predicted by sane, moral folks not too long ago when another lifestyle was pushing for yet another timeless institution to be bestowed upon them against the very definition and function of the institution as restricted to a specific, biologically-defined function with clear benefits to society.