Thursday, June 28, 2007

A Pissin' Good Idea... NOT!


...In Canada.

I did not make this up.

Choose your Canada. Pee privately! Most folks do NOT wanna see your doodly-deedle!

Story here. h/t: National Newswatch

Hey... did the idiots running the City of Edmonton forget that we're in Canada?! This ain't Amsterdam, nor Bangkok or anyplace like that!

Yep... that's an apparatus they're going to place in public places for the purpose of men to whip out their willies and whiz into 'em. Imagine that... four guys with their tallywhackers out... in public... facing one another... and pissin'.

This is unacceptable! I daresay that the far left is somehow behind this!

Perhaps the feminazis have their fingerprints all over the concept... they must want to humiliate men (and hopefully get a titillating glimpse of peenie-pipe, too, the danged femiperverts!)...

I note that the article says that women will get conventional outhouses for their whizzin'. Now, ain't that fair? The ladies have a right to privacy, but the men... do not. The men are to be forced to expose their private part in public or form a wet spot from zipper to pantcuff, also embarrassing themselves. WTF?

Let the guys have regular outhouses to piss in, too!

The Charter guarantees equality for all regardless of gender, after all!

This public pisser concept is unconstitutional!

I say, piss on the whole concept!

Sheesh! Gosh darn it! Fofecksake! How come it's ok for everyone to see a guy's dillywilly but Heaven forbid anyone should get an accidental glimpse of female bum-bum? I mean, it isn't as if there's as much to see on the ladies' undercarriage as there is hangin' off of the guys'!

I blame the vast left-wing conspiracy for this abomination!

Geez! There goes the neighborhood!

What next???