Friday, June 29, 2007

Is This The Same Man?

The above picture: Notice the man in the center, foreground, with the white shirt, beard and raised fist? I found this just now, today, dated today, June 29th, at CNews. The picture is at this url:
Now, the picture below, I found at, a couple of days ago. Look at the screaming man in the picture, bottom right. Study his every feature, comparing them to the man in the picture above. I'm unsure as to where and when that picture was taken, but when I saw the man in the above picture, I recognized him immediately and remembered that I had saved the picture below and thought I'd better post them both in case I might be able to expose a professional "protestor" and perhaps fraudulent, staged "protests" by Islamic supremacists and imperialists.
Could this be the same man?

Is this man a professional Islamist "protestor" who goes around pretending to be outraged at non-Muslims? Is he one of many Islamic propagandist agents operating worldwide?

UPDATE: A source has advised me that this is "Rage Boy", so-nicknamed by Little Green Footballs. See here for that.

Here's RageBoy again:,-Jihadi-style.html

Wow! This guy is a PROFESSIONAL PROTESTOR! He really gets around!!!

More... here's some really, really funny mockery of RageBoy: