Saturday, June 16, 2007

Kids Better Off With Dads Around: Expert

Report here.

Family experts Dr. Allan Carlson and Paul Mero have written The Natural Family: A Manifesto, which describes what U.S. public policy would look like if people were serious about restoring the American family.

Carlson says children without involved fathers are more likely to get in trouble with the law, perform poorly in school, and experience abuse than are children who live with their natural parents. Children do better, he says, when they grow up with their biological mother and father bound together in a marriage.

"Any variation from that at all, children are going to suffer -- predictably," says the author. "They're going to have more trouble, more difficulty getting along in life."

According to Carlson, fathers provide physical and emotional protection for children. "A biological father, in particular, has almost a magical effect on the educational attainments of sons and daughters," he shares. "And they keep the boys in line, which is absolutely necessary for any successful society."

For your information, I come from a traditional family. My dad was always there for me and for all of the family. He worked hard to provide for us. Mom selflessly stayed home to take care of us.

Growing up, I faced some quite daunting odds, myself. I survived a near-fatal war with meningitis as a kid and survived, except without any hearing ability left. But guess what? Thanks to the devotion, discipline and guidance of my parents, I astonished many folks who never thought I'd turn out anywhere near as well as I did and accomplish what I have... and will continue to cause doubting-Thomas jaws to drop...

Thanks to the fact that I grew up in a traditional family, I've turned out very well, at least in the opinion of those who watched me shatter their pessimistic dogmae over the years, show them what's possible...

Let's celebrate the traditional family.

Let's celebrate dads!

Happy Fathers Day, Dad! You're the man!