Sunday, June 04, 2006

Terror Accusees Charged in Court

Story here.

Fifteen men were charged on Saturday. They'll be back again on Tuesday for a bail hearing.

The charges allege that the men knowingly participated in a terrorist group and either received or provided terrorist training in Toronto, nearby Mississauga, Fort Erie and Ramara Township, located on the shores of Lake Simcoe in central Ontario's cottage county.


"Our investigation prevented the assembly of any bombs and attacks from being carried out,"


Police also said they seized about three tonnes of the commonly used fertilizer ammonium nitrate. Just one-third of that amount of ammonium nitrate as used in the bombing of a U.S. federal building in Oklahoma City that killed 168 people in 1995.


"For various reasons, they appear to have become adherents of a violent ideology inspired by al-Qaeda," said Luc Portelance, assistant director of operations for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS).

I would hope that the left and the Islamic communityPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting won't prejudge the case. Too often we see folks automatically assuming that alleged and actual jihadists are innocent... just because they're Muslims and visible minorities.

But hate is hate and murder is murder, regardless of those doing the hating and murdering. Is that so hard to understand? And bear in mind that terrorist Timothy McVeigh was a white, non-Muslim American-born citizen who actually fought for his country in the first Gulf War. And we tried him on the evidence, convicted him and executed him. Therefore, our justice system is blind... it deals with evidence, period. We don't care about skin color or anything like that. Can the Islamic world claim the same? Are there fair trials in the Islamic world? If so, let's see irrefutable proof, for we never have seen anything of the kin, save for Saddam Hussein's trial, which is something he never allowed under his regime. Then there's Iran... enough said. And there's the fact that there are no human rights in the Islamic world. Anyone claiming there is is invited to prove it fully and conclusively... mere vehement claims by Islamists that human rights exist in the Islamic world will not suffice. Unfortunately, the Islamic world has a staggeringly long way to go to even approach, in these terms, the Free World, which has accepted Islamic fundamentalists with open arms and given them the very same rights and freedoms as everyone else.

And we're being justly repaid for our open-armed, sincere acceptance, for sure... with September 11, 2001, and now the foiled jihadist plot to bomb Canada. Justice must be done! We know we are are just; we know terrorism is not!

We have accepted Muslims as equals. Do they similarly accept us non-Muslims? Or do they believe what the Koran says about "unbelievers" and what is to be done with them? This is an important question... which we're completely entitled to ask! If Muslims fully accept us as equals, then let them prove it already!

The law enforcement and national security officials have done their jobs. Now let the justice system do its own. Don't free the prisoners on the basis of claims of persecution or profiling, for there's no evidence of anything of the sort. The defence is, of course, free to make its claims during the trial(s), so any yapping therefrom to the media about "lawsuits" is not only totally premature but is also ridiculous and does nothing to help anyone's case or interests.