Saturday, June 17, 2006

Taliban Commander Surrenders To Canada

Taliban commander Mullah Mohammed Ibrahim, above, surrenders to Canadian Forces
Story here. h/t:
Canada can be proud. Again!
The valorous men and women of the Canadian Forces, some of whom paid the ultimate price, have scored a victory in the war against jihad and have brought Afghanistan one big step forward on the road to freedom, democracy, the rule of law and human rights.
I recall the Taliban issuing a warning to the Canadian Forces to leave Afghanistan or be slaughtered.
But, as Prime Minister Stephen Harper has already declared, Canada does not cut and run. Canadians are not yellow-bellied Dhimmi cowards, as the jihadists hoped we were. Perhaps they thought we were wimps who couldn't stomach the thought of having to kill anyone, even filthy scum like head-lopping jihadists. They learned the hard way that when the going gets tough, Canadians get going, and relentlessly so!
Canada fights as fiercely as any other. Canada fights with unfaltering determination, unwavering courage, relentless ferocity and honor.
O Canada
Strong and free
Fighting and defeating the forces of evil
Across the world
Spreading freedom, democracy and the rule of law
Sharing these awesome gifts with other peoples
Paid for in blood and lives many times over

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O Canada
Honoring the heroes
Always standing on guard for thee!