Thursday, December 02, 2010

Waiting For A Fondle

The eeriest thing is the look in her eyes and the way she moves her head when she looks into the camera...


Jen said...

not bad at what she is doing and while she sits the 'checkers' will see that she has nothing of explosives to show.

I know, I know.... the male mind is thinking of something else.

She is trying to deliver a message to the checkers 'look at me-nothing on me but my undies so back off.

Canadian Sentinel said...

Yeah... it's silly that they're so terrified of a cute lady with a cute little doggie, sitting in her undies in a wheelchair, perfectly harmless.

It's silly, silly, silly how they're so freakin' scared of her. They ought to be ridiculed, but not as much as the Obamacracy who makes 'em act so ridiculously and unconstitutionally.

It's only going to turn people off from flying, this stupid nonsense.

Oh, and I understand the lady STILL got the patdown. How redundant is that? What can she possibly hide now? Next thing you know, the TSA will be armed with proctological and gynecological training, so then it'll be both "no holds barred" and "no holes barred".

Then what? Where will it end?!

Canadian Sentinel said...

I still haven't seen any evidence that any Muslims had to submit to any of this.

Also, to use a term the Left falsely uses against the Tea Party, I'd say the victims of the sexual assaults are MONOCHROMATIC. They all look, well, pale-faced... I guess that makes the TSA and the Obamacracy racist, then, to use the Left's "logic"...

Jen said...

I wonder if the 'doggie' on her lap got a 'patdown' as well.

Canadian Sentinel said...

Well, if so, the doggie, I'm sure, would've enjoyed it. Unlike humans, doggies generally do enjoy that stuff...

∞ ≠ ø said...

I think she's pretty damn frightening;

perhaps the work of Dr. Eldon Tyrell.

Canadian Sentinel said...

Turns out that she's some kind of porno model. Been in Playboy, bareassed. No wonder she's so comfortable being in her gitchies in public...

Canadian Sentinel said...

Yup, doggies like patdowns. Some even get upset if you stop patting 'em down!

Canadian Sentinel said...

Of course, some people like being patted down, but not by the usually-unattractive, strange, scary TSA workers!

Canadian Sentinel said...

The doggie apparently finds her leg quite tasty... as if she dropped a big, juicy piece of smoked meat on it... lick, lick, lick...

Anonymous said...

This is nothing but a public audition. How many 52 year old women look like this? Not many. This person is an exhibitionist and an opportunist. She knew she’d be photographed and published and she’s all for that, because it was the mission.