Like this one...
So former Liberal Premier of New Brunswick Frank McKenna wants to get into the infantile namecalling game and stoop to Warren Kinsella's level?Calling the Conservatives "thugs"?
Oh, really?
Very well.
I'd point out that Frank didn't make any case for his smear slur, didn't demonstrate in any way, shape or form, that the Conservatives are "thugs".
What is a thug? A violent criminal.
So Frank McKenna, "respectable" "statesman" is calling the Conservatives violent criminals.
I see. Oh, my!
Nasty! Et tu, Frank? Just like your good buddy Warren Kinsella, AKA Catmeat Man? Looks like a thug, doesn't he?
What evidence do you have that we're violent criminals, Frank?
Can you back up your slander in court?
Hey, Frank, how's this: You're a Librano mobster! Mobster!
Got to fight these guys hard. They're mobsters. They do drive-by hits all the time. We know this from experience. Who the hell is Frank McKenna, a Liberal, to be the pot calling the kettle black? We all know how nasty the Liberals are. Just recall Teflon Don Jean Chretien. Now, THAT GUY is a thug. And then there's Jean Pelletier- what a nasty bully!
Frank should take a good look at the people with whom he's associating. What kind of people are they? Well, we know. And that's why we fight them hard, because we know they're always looking for an opportunity to do drive-by smears, to sucker-punch us and run away, which is their game. They brought it all upon themselves, so they're quite the hypocrites to be calling US "thugs". Hey, we're just being smart and pre-emptive. It's not our fault that the Librano Mob is too stupid to handle what they're getting. Their stupidity is all their own choice, after all.
Typical Liberal. Oh, except for the fact that Frank McKenna is notoriously anti-abortion. Wonder what his Liberal cronies think of that?
Sheesh. Next thing you know, Frank McKenna's going to start sounding like Nancy Pelosi, spewing bizarre labels against us, such as "teabaggers", "the mob" (how hypocritical would that be!), "extremists", "racists", "Nazis"...
He's already gotten himself warmed up. Guess Frank wants to be an asshole. Like Warren Kinsella, Scott Reid, Mark Holland... What's Frank doing to himself? Why get dirty, why be a pugilist, a detestable liar and slanderer?
Ah, to hell with him, just like his cronies. Anyone who would want to be a Liberal... well, you know...