ht: Small Dead Animals
PLUS... More via World Net Daily
Seriously think about this people. You have a suicide bomber who had recently been to Yemen to but a bomb, whose father had reported him as a terrorist, who supposedly was on some kind of U.S. terror watchlist, and most likely knew the U.S. was aware of these red flags. Yet, he didn't go through "Normal passport checking procedures." What does that mean? Maybe that he flashed a passport to some sort of sympathetic security manager in a backroom to avoid a closer look at the terrorist's "red flags"? What is important is that the terrorist avoided using normal passport checking procedures (apparently successfully) in order to avoid a closer look into his red flags. Who cares if he had a passport. The important thing is that he didn't want to show it and somehow avoided a closer inspection and "normal passport checking procedures." Each passport comes with a bar code on it that can be scanned to provide a wealth of information about the individual. I would bet that the passport checking procedures for the terrorist did not include a bar code scan of his passport (which could have revealed damning information about the terrorist).There's also a "30-ish Indian Man In Orange" whose carry-on bag was nosed by the sniffer dogs and who was taken into custody, handcuffed following interrogation, and who wasn't mentioned in the Big Old Media. The Witness is indicating that The Authorities are lying about what happened, making stuff up, apparently.
Please note that there is a very easy way to verify the veracity of my prior "sharp dressed man" account. Dutch police have admitted that they have reviewed the video of the "sharp dressed man" that I referenced. Note that it has not been released anywhere, You see, if my eye witness account is false, it could easily be proven by releasing the video. However, the proof of my eyewitness account would also be verified if I am telling the truth and I am. There is a reason we have only heard of the video and not seen it. dutch authorities, "RELEASE THE VIDEO!" This is the most important video in 8 years and may be all of two minutes long. Show the entire video and "DO NOT EDIT IT"! The American public deserves its own chance to attempt to identify the "sharp dressed man". I have no doubt that if the video indicated that my account was wrong, that the video would have already swept over the entire world wide web.
Instead of the video, we get a statment that the video has been viewed and that the terrorist had a passport. Each of these statements made by the FBI is a self serving play on semantics and each misses the importance of my prior "sharp dressed man" account. The importance being that the man "Tried to board the plane with an accomplice and without a passort". The other significance is that only the airport security video can verify my eyewitness account and that it is not being released.
Who has the agenda here and who doesn't? Think about that for a minute."
Once again, instead of targeting the source of the threats, our politically correct government decides to make life more miserable for the travelling public by imposing hopelessly meaningless rules such as not allowing passengers to leave their seats in the last hour of the flight. Bound by cultural sensitivities, the default reaction of the bureaucracy is to review the procedures and wring its hands ineffectively.He forgot to mention that they also want to kill his sister just 'cause she likes other girls more than she likes guys. But I guess he doesn't want to think about that, obviously, which is understandable. But it's true... the Islamists do, because of fundamentalist Islam and the incessant, widespread, and rapidly-increasing propagation thereof, hate gay folks and do execute them rather cruelly, slowly and torturously, as they do in Ahmadinejad's Iran, for example.
We know our opponents are radical extremists of the irreconcilable wing of Islam (Islamists, some would call them).
We know they have an ideology which is anti-female, desires to impose fundamentalist Sharia as a form of law, is hostile to other religions and is prepared to kill the innocent to achieve their goals.
We know how to identify these enemies but our elites have refused to do so.
Yes, the buck stops in the Oval Office. Obama may have rather smugly given himself a “B+” for his 2009 performance but he gets an F for the events that led to Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab boarding a Detroit-bound plane in Amsterdam with a PETN bomb sewn into his underpants. He said today that a “systemic failure has occurred”. Well, he’s in charge of that system.
4. In his studied desire to be the unBush by responding coolly to events like this, Obama is dangerously close to failing as a leader. Yes, it is good not to shoot from the hip and make broad assertions without the facts. But Obama took three days before speaking to the American people, emerging on Monday in between golf and tennis games in Hawaii to deliver a rather tepid address that significantly underplayed what happened. He described Abdulmutallab as an “isolated extremist” who “allegedly tried to ignite an explosive device on his body” – phrases that indicate a legalistic, downplaying approach that alarms rather than reassures. Today’s words showed a lot more fire and desire to get on top of things – we’ll see whether Obama follows through with action. In the meantime, he went snorkelling.Hey! Many of us ordinary Joes and Janes don't have as much free time as the frickin' POTUS!
5. There has been a pattern developing with the Obama administration trying to minimise terrorist attacks. We saw it with Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad, a Muslim convert who murdered a US Army recruit in Little Rock, Arkansas in June. We saw it with Major Nidal Malik Hassan, a Muslim with Palestinian roots who slaughtered 13 at Fort Hood, Texas last month. In both cases, there were Yemen connections. Obama began to take the same approach with Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. We’ll see whether this incident shakes him out of that complacency. Whether it’s called the war on terror or not, it’s clear that the US is at war against al-Qaeda and radical Islamists.And DHS Head Janet Incompetano has proved to be a bomb, like pretty much every Obama appointee that's faced reality on the job...
7. Janet Napolitano, Obama’s Homeland Security Chief, has been a disaster in this, exhibiting the kind of bureaucratic complacency that makes ordinary citizens want to go postal. On Sunday, she told CNN that “one thing I’d like to point out is that the system worked” and ABC News that “once the incident occurred, the system worked”. A day later, she grumbled that quoted “out of context” before reversing herself, telling NBC: “Our system did not work in this instance. No one is happy or satisfied with that. An extensive review is under way.” The “system worked” comment was a “heckuva job, Brownie” moment. Is she up to the job?Y'know, I remember that Janet and her flunkies were too busy gathering bullshit from the internet about an imaginary crisis involving "right-wing extremists" in America and warning the cops to be on the lookout for anyone who doesn't march in lockstep with the Obamacrat Reich... to worry about Islamic extremists such as have been killing and trying to kill Americans under her watch. What's wrong with that old 'Crat? Delusional? Insane? Out of touch with reality? Hellbent on pretending things are going on that aren't, whilst turning blind and deaf and brainless, ie. totally, wilfully, criminally, treasonously oblivious towards things that actually are? Of course, she's Leftist. Duh.
"We are both believers ... but this right here, even a nonbeliever — you explain to me how this happened. There is no other explanation,"
At ThreatsWatch.org, Steve Schippert and Clyde Middleton have dug up the bizarre and unsettling issuance of an executive order recently signed by President Barack Obama. Executive Order — Amending Executive Order 12425, signed December 16 and released a day later, grants the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) rights on American soil that place it beyond the reach of our own law enforcement agencies, such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).This is consistent with the Hard Left's plan to impose global government. This is another step towards that aim. Obama's clearly following orders from The Mystery Men Behind The Curtain.
Schippert and Middleton note that Obama’s order removes protections placed upon INTERPOL by President Reagan in 1983. Obama’s order gives the group the authority to avoid Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests — which means this foreign law enforcement organization can operate free of an important safeguard against governmental abuse. “Property and assets,” including the organization’s records, cannot be searched or seized. Their physical locations and records are now immune from U.S. legal or investigative authorities.
No finer point can be made about the endemic problems of the INTERPOL/ICC than that made by a recent diplomatic incident that erupted in Great Britain, where an Israeli government official had to cancel travel plans to England because of an arrest warrant issued by an English judge — because of Iranian charges of Israeli war crimes in Gaza. The brief but intense conflict was one Iran helped instigate, as the Persians supplied the terrorists in Gaza with the rockets they used against Israeli civilians, triggering an inevitable Israeli response.A weapon to be used against the very US Forces forced by Obama to go to war in his name:
If President Obama and his radical allies in the Democratic leadership have their way, American soldiers could presumably be brought up on charges as war criminals by enemy nations and marked for arrest and deportation by an international police force on American soil. They would face charges in a foreign land without the constitutional protections they fought and bled to protect. The White House seems to be on the bewildering path of giving al-Qaeda terrorists who murder innocent women and children more legal protection than the very soldiers that risk their lives trying to bring terrorists to justice. The asinine court-martial charges being brought against three Navy SEALs based upon the word of a terrorist they captured suddenly make a sickening kind of sense.A weapon to be used against domestic political opponents:
It also stands to reason that Obama’s seeming willingness to put American soldiers’ lives in the hands of a corrupt international community could also be brought to bear against his political enemies. Foreign investigators of dubious intent, and our own left-wing extremists, have long branded officials of the previous administration “war criminals” for actions they’d taken in the war on terror. It is entirely conceivable — perhaps even likely — that these same organizations and enemy governments that went after 25 Israeli government officials through INTERPOL and the ICC would quickly move to indict a wish list of current and former U.S. government officials for alleged “war crimes.” Former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney would obviously be at the top of such a list of politically motivated suspects, but such a list could just as easily include General David Petraeus, Defense Secretary Robert Gates, congressmen, and senators.It's like the KKK again. Except I doubt it'll involve lynching Republican opponents this time, because the Democratic Party, which is responsible for the KKK and everything it did, has become more sophisitcated and nuanced in its evil, criminal ways.
“Emmanuelle Latraverse (a Radio-Canada television journalist) asked Michael Ignatieff why he wants to be Prime Minister. An easy question for a man who wants the job so badly he tried to force an election in the middle of a recession – someone who returned from Harvard just so he could become Prime Minister.”Ha-ha... the paper says that the Iggy People are "livid". Ha-ha.
The PMO internal e-mail says that Mr. Ignatieff couldn’t give a straight answer and that he stumbled and rambled.
“He talked about everything and anything, except why he wants to become PM.”
“This latest episode demonstrates what we have said all along: Michael Ignatieff is not in it for Canadians. He is in it for himself.”
That's singer Tori Amos, apparently breastfeeding a pig.
Would you believe that she actually believes she knows more about MidEast politics than does Sarah Palin?Like, how would she know? She didn't say how.
He uses his brand to market the most destructive and cancerous ideas in human history. Obama uses proxies to get the most noxious narrative into the national dialogue, the daily workplace, and the minds of our youth.Pamela explains that what's allowed to stay up and what isn't is what demonstrates the ideology of the Obamacrat Reich. Any wonder now as to why I use the term "Reich" when discussing the Obamacrat government? It's as if there's a Reich Minister of Propaganda overseeing everything that gets communicated in any way, shape, or form.
I have documented for years the unprecedented hate speech, bigotry, Jew hatred, and anti-American invective on Obama’s Web site, both during the campaign and in its new transitional incarnation of MyBarackObama.com — Organizing for America.
This is not moral equivalence. This is sanctioning evil, promoting it under his trillion-dollar brand.
The ornaments were no accident. They were part of a cultural revolution like Mao’s - and you know how that worked out.
It was a very Maoist Christmas, courtesy the Obama White House!
As the New York Times reported Sunday in a riveting piece from the back corridor of the conference: "Twice during the day, Mr. Wen sent an underling to represent him at the meetings with Mr. Obama. To make things worse, each time it was a lower level official."Pleeeeze, pleeeeeze, pleeeeeeze, Mr. Commmmunist, sir... will you talk to meeeee tooooo?
There's more. The White House set up an evening meeting with the presidents of South Africa and Brazil, as well as the Indian prime minister and the Chinese premier, and when senior staff arrived, as the Times recounted it, they "were startled to find the Chinese premier already meeting with the leaders of the other three countries" - without the president of the United States, the guy who called the meeting in the first place. According to the Times, Obama rushed to the meeting and called out from the doorway: "Mr. Premier are you ready to see me? Are you ready?"
As for Canada's position, so closely aligned with the U.S., it is hard to know where we go from here. There is no doubt about the need for a level playing field in our integrated North American economy. Perhaps, Stephen Harper and Obama can negotiate a North America accord that can serve as a model, much as the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement served as a model for the World Trade Organization.Because Harper, a conservative, is smart, whereas Obama, a liberal, isn't.
That will take leadership, on both sides of the border. As for the chaotic conclusion of Copenhagen, Harper's role there, and Canada's, were modest to say the least. Given the outcome, it might not be a bad thing to have Canada going along with the Open Bar Accord without having our fingerprints on it. At least Harper kept his powder dry.
(The wise men traveled across te Middle East desert "just to see a litle baby"? Let me quote from the gospel according to Matthew 2:11: "And they bowed down and worshiped him" as the Savior of the world.)
So let me see if I got this straight. Obama's Christmas theology and mission is thus: Jesus is Gandhi. The wise men were non-greedy corporate executives who were on a baby tour. The "most important message" at Christmas is personal potential. And the "most important thing" children can do for their future is read and do math.
God help us.Um, unfortunately, like Obama, many have indeed lost their way. The direction of America and of Human Civilization (known as The Free World), as opposed to the Atheist/Islamist/Neo-Communist Axis of Evil, has also again strayed from The Path.
I'm all for encouraging children's potential, but, when the president's "most important message" at Christmas time is "You too can be president," I've think we've completely lost our way.
Many American airline passengers may be surprised to learn the Transportation Security Administration, the agency responsible with securing all modes of transportation in the country, currently has no leader.
Republican lawmakers have placed a "hold" on President Obama's pick to head the TSA over concerns he could undermine safety by unionizing airport security. The nominee is Erroll Southers, assistant chief in charge of security and intelligence at the Los Angeles airport's police department.
"It's very simple. Giving union bosses control over security at our nation's airports is dangerous and will harm our ability to respond to serious threats," said Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C.
"If President Obama's nominee will not commit to putting homeland security above the whims of union bosses, it should give everyone serious concern," DeMint said last month when the conflict developed.
Erroll Southers, who was serving as an FBI special agent at the time of the censure, asked a co-worker's husband who worked for the San Diego Police Department to run a background check on his ex-wife's boyfriend.We've already seen, in Canada, what happens when we allow unions to run things, like health care. People die needlessly!
On his Facebook page, former congressman Mark Foley commented on the video: "This is the senator that hired his staffer and then took her on trips...and divorced his wife....and they had me run out of town."
(...) while the United States was on a strong war footing during the Bush Administration, rejecting the criminal paradigm of the previous administration, we were not attacked again.
Coincidentally again, now that we are back to a strategy of denying the Jihadis of warrior status, treating them like criminals who simply need to be found guilty in a court of law, there is an apparent uptick in attempted/successful attacks against Americans on American soil.
Evidence that Democrats have returned to the 9/10 mindset of treating Jihadis as nothing more than common criminals, not worthy of the status of warrior, can be found in the Obama administration’s reaction to the Ft. Hood Jihad massacre. The official response has thus far been to refuse to admit that Hassan committed an act of Jihad when he gunned down dozens of Americans.
Evidence that Democrats have returned to the 9/10 mindset of treating Jihadis as nothing more than common criminals, not worthy of the status of warrior, can be found in the Obama administration’s decision to bring the 9/11 Jihadis to NYC to face trial in a common criminal court, rather than a military court.
Evidence that Democrats have returned to the 9/10 mindset of treating Jihadis as nothing more than common criminals, not worthy of the status of warrior, can be found in the Obama administration’s reaction to the failed Christmas Jihad of 2009.
While Mutallab was poorly dressed, his friend was dressed in an expensive suit, Haskell said. He says the suited man asked ticket agents whether Mutallab could board without a passport. “The guy said, 'He's from Sudan and we do this all the time.'”
Mutallab is Nigerian. Haskell believes the man may have been trying to garner sympathy for Mutallab's lack of documents by portraying him as a Sudanese refugee.
The ticket agent referred Mutallab and his companion to her manager down the hall, and Haskell didn't see Mutallab again until after he allegedly tried to detonate an explosive on the plane.
(...)“I stood up and walked a couple feet ahead to get a closer look, and that's when I saw the flames,” said Haskell, who sat about seven rows behind Mutallab. “It started to spread pretty quickly. It went up the wall, all the way to ceiling.”
“He didn't fight back at all. This wasn't a big skirmish,” Haskell said. “A couple guys jumped on him and hauled him away.”
Well, to reach back to one of our heroes from the past, from the `60s, Saul Alinsky once said that even though both sides have flaws in their arguments and you can always find something nuanced about your own side you don`t like and it`s never perfect, you have to act in the end like there`s simple black and white clarity between your side and the other side or you don`t get anything done. I always try to remind myself of Saul Alinsky when I get confused.Ah. He makes stuff up (acting like there's b/w clarity between your and the other side). Typical of members of the Hard Left. In other words, they'll tell themselves something that isn't true, but that makes them feel confident about their position, however wrong or bad, so as to pretend they haven't lost an argument. And this not-losing is frequently used as an excuse by Leftists to push their wrongheaded agendas/policies.
The alleged Christmas Day terrorist had been in one of the U.S. government's largest terror databases since November, when his father brought him to the attention of embassy officials in Nigeria.The guy's apparently so deranged and dangerous that even his own father felt it important to warn America about his apparent intentions.
But Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab came to the attention of intelligence officials months before that, according to a U.S. government official involved in the investigation. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing.
A congressional official said Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a 23-year-old Nigerian, popped up in U.S. intelligence reports about four weeks ago as having a connection to both al-Qaida and Yemen.
Another government official said Abdulmutallab's father went to the embassy in Abuja with his concerns, but did not have any specific information that would put him on the "no-fly list" or on the list for additional security checks at the airport.
The Ohio girl, who ran away to Florida because she said she feared her father would kill her for converting from Islam to Christianity — only to be sent back to Ohio by a Florida judge — remains in the care of a county children's services agency where she has been receiving "quite a lot" of Christmas cards from well-wishers across the country, according to one of her attorneys.
John Stemberger said an attorney for Bary's parents filed a motion earlier this month seeking to ban the 17-year-old from receiving outside messages, including Christmas cards. But Rifqa is receiving the cards nonetheless, he said.
"If she's declared an independent, that'd be a victory," Stemberger said. "The essence of this case is a girl who converted and is getting increased hostility from the people who should be loving her the most. It's the reason she ran."
SCHULTZ (07:14): I just want to get things clear, it was not arranged for me to have a question for David Axelrod.Apparently even the most well-trained Leftist seals can accidentally put the Obama Reich into a pickle. When they do that, they get Blackberry-Whipped. No surprise there. After all, Leftists do have many brainfarts and will frequently make a mistake as to what they're supposed to say/do, so their State Controllers will have to yank their choke chains.
SCHULTZ (08:12): So Mika starts looking at her Blackberry and so does Scarborough and obviously the White House is texting them or emailing them or whatever and they didn't like the show. Because Arianna had been on there, I'm on there, Howard Dean had been on there and they wanted some balance.
Now think about that - here's the White House getting in contact with 'Morning Joe' because they're afraid there's too many lefties on the air! Now if that's not sensitivity at its highest level, I don't know what is! I told ya a few days ago they had rabbit ears! They don't like anything that's being said right now, they're getting beat up!